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Греческие мифы:
Слово |
Перевод |
Achilles’ heel /əˌkɪl.iːz ˈhiːl/ |
1) ахиллесова пята, т.е. слабость, уязвимое место; 2) ахиллово сухожилие Пример: I was brave but fear of spiders was my Achilles heel. |
Argus-eyed /ˈɑːɡəs aɪd/ |
1) бдительный, зоркий; Пример: Only once, at the very end of the examination, did she raise them to meet the Argus-eyed spectators. |
a bacchanalia /ˌbæk.əˈnɑː.lɪə/ |
1) вакханалия, разгул Пример: The party turned into a bacchanalia with loud music and excessive drinking. |
a centaur /ˈsɛntɔː(ɹ)/ |
кентавр, существо с головой туловищем человека на теле лошади; Пример: Well, it's a painting of me as a centaur. |
a chimera /kʌɪˈmɪəɹə/ /kɪˈmɪəɹə/ |
1) химера, т.е. существо, состоящее из нескольких частей животных; 2) по аналогии предмет, состоящий из нескольких частей; 3) неосуществимая причудливая идея; Пример: The game includes a bunch of chimeras, with the lion heads shooting fire. |
jovial /ˈd͡ʒəʊ.vɪ.əl/ |
1) весёлый, добродушный, живой; Пример: Judging by his jovial manner he must have enjoyed his meal. |
halcyon /ˈhælsi.ən/ |
1) зимородок, разновидность птицы; 2) спокойный, безмятежный; Примеры: Ah, those were the halcyon days, before our country was at war. |
a lethargy /ˈlɛθ.ə(ɹ).d͡ʒi/ |
Летаргия, вялость, апатия. Пример: I snapped out of my lethargy and began cleaning the house. |
mnemonics /nəˈmɒn.ɪks/ |
мнемотехника, т.е. совокупность техник для запоминания; Пример: “My very educated mother just served us nachos” is a mnemonics to remember the planets of the Solar system. |
muse /mjuːz/ |
1) муза, т.е. источник вдохновения; 2) задумываться, витать в облаках; Пример: He could not work without his muse. |
nemesis /ˈnɛməsɪs/ |
1) возмездие; 2) заклятый враг; Пример: Achilles' behaviour aroused divine nemesis. |
a paean /ˈpiː.ən/ |
1) победная или хвалебная песня; Пример: Ford's is a juvenile paean to pop culture obsession. |
a Pandora’s box /ˌpænˈdɔɹə/ |
1) ящик Пандоры, т.е. источник бедствий; Пример: It seems like we've opened Pandora's box with this topic today. |
a phoenix /ˈfiːnɪks/ |
1) феникс, жар-птица; 2) по-аналогии всё, что возрождается после своего разрушения; 3) образец совершенства; Пример: After his startup company went bankrupt, he vowed to rise like a phoenix from the ashes. |
a Pyrrhic victory /ˈpɪɹɪk/ |
1) Пирова победа, т.е. дорогостоящая победа; Пример: It was a Pyrrhic victory. They won the strike but then most of them lost their jobs. |
saturnine /ˈsætənaɪn/ |
1) мрачный, угрюмый; Пример: The face was saturnine and swarthy. |
to tantalize /ˈtæntəlaɪz/ |
1) манить, дразнить; Пример: She was tantalized by the possibility of earning a lot of money quickly. |
Слово |
Перевод |
an archery |
1) стрельба из лука; Пример: He tried out his skill at archery. |
a battering ram /ˈbæ.təˌɹɪŋ(ɡ)/ |
1) таран, стенобитное орудие; Пример: The knights used a battering ram to break down the door. |
a chariot /ˈʧærɪət/ |
1) колесница; Пример: It contains only one chariot, six warriors, and a small amount of weapons. |
chivalry /ˈʃɪv(ə)lrɪ/ |
1) рыцарство; Пример: He paid her fare as an act of chivalry. |
a drawbridge /ˈdɹɔːbɹɪd͡ʒ/ |
1) подъёмный, разводной мост; Пример: Lower the drawbridge and open the gate. |
a dungeon /ˈdʌn.d͡ʒən/ |
1) темница; Пример: The king threw them in the dungeon. |
a dwarf /dwɔ:f/ |
1) гном; Пример: Once upon a time, there was a dwarf who lived in the forest. |
enchanted [ɪnˈʧɑːntɪd] |
1) зачарованный; Пример: The princess had been enchanted by a magician to sleep for a hundred years. |
a fortress |
1) крепость; Пример: The fortress was defensible against all the power of man. |
jousting /ˈd͡ʒaʊstɪŋ/ |
1) рыцарский турнир; Пример: Spectators are waiting for a colorful theatrical spectacle, massive battles and jousting matches. |
a lady-in-waiting |
1) фрейлина, т.е. придворное звание помощницы при императрице, королеве, царице, принцессе и т. п.; Пример: She's Rapunzel's lady in waiting. |
a lance |
1) копьё; Пример: He held his lance, aimed at my head. |
a (chain) mail |
1) кольчуга; Пример: Do you wear a chain mail and a coat of armour? |
a moat /məʊt/ |
1) крепостной ров; Пример: It is surrounded by a deep moat and can be entered only by a drawbridge. |
a serf |
1) крепостной раб; Пример: His grandfather used to be a serf, but he managed to purchase his family's freedom. |
a siege /siːdʒ/ |
1) осада; Пример: The city is in a state of siege. |
a soothsayer /ˈsuːθˌseɪə/ |
1) провидец, предсказатель; Пример: This soothsayer is known throughout the world, as she made predictions that were made before the eyes of all mankind. |
Научная фантастика:
Слово |
Перевод |
a biohazard\ /ˈbæɪəʊˌhæzəd/ |
биологическая опасность; The gasoline spill created a serious biohazard. |
celestial |
1) небесный; 2) божественный; 3) прекрасный; Пример: Planets and stars often are occulted by other celestial bodies. |
a cryosleep |
1) криосон, т.е. глубокий сон, во время которого тело хранится при очень низкой температуре, чтобы сохранить его; Пример: Guess you have no sense of time when you're in cryosleep. |
a cyberspace |
1) киберпространство; Пример: Students are discovering the endless amount of information in cyberspace. |
a domed city |
1) город под куполом; Пример: A domed city is a hypothetical structure that encloses a large urban area under a single roof. |
a dystopia |
1) антиутопия; Пример: The novel is a fictional dystopia about the destruction of privacy. |
an Earthling |
1) землянин; Пример: Next time, Earthling, we shall utterly destroy you. |
Extraterrestrial |
1) внеземной; Пример: Does this stone represent proof of extraterrestrial life? |
a hive mind |
1) коллективный разум; Пример: You're part of a hive mind now. |
a force field |
1) силовое поле; Пример: When pressed, it lets down the force field over the artifact for 10 seconds. |
a hyperdrive |
1) двигатель космического корабля, который позволяет перемещаться быстрее света, входя в гиперпространство; 2) перемещение по космосу быстрее скорости света; Пример: I don't see how you can possibly milk any more power out of the hyperdrive. |
interstellar |
1) межзвёздный; Пример: It can take centuries for light to travel interstellar distances. |
a mindlink |
1) телепатическая связь между отдельными разумами; Пример: A mindlink is when two people think the exact same at the exact same time. |
a quantum |
1) квант, неделимая часть какой-либо величины в физике; Пример: Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contribution to Quantum Theory. |
a sentient |
1) разумное осознающее себя существо; Пример: Man is a sentient being. |
the time dilation |
1) замедление времени; Пример: Before light even enters the event horizon, it begins to feel the drag of time dilation. |
a wormhole |
1) червоточина, т.е. пространственно-временные туннели в гипотетической модели Вселенной; Пример: I need to locate the wormhole portal. |
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